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How does the woman win the custody of the child

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How does the woman win the custody of the child


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  • 2024-06-20 22:00:58

    As a woman, the following circumstances are more likely to win custody of children:
    First, children under two years old usually live with their mothers. If the child is less than two years old and both parties strive for the custody of the child, and cannot reach an agreement, unless the woman suffers from an incurable infectious disease or other serious disease and is not suitable to live with the child, the general court will award the custody to the woman
    Second, if the two parties dispute over the ownership of custody when they are over 10 years old, the views of the child should be considered. Therefore, if the child is 10 years old or older, the child must be recognized by the child in order to win the custody of the child, so that the child is more willing to live with the mother. Of course, it is cruel for children to make such an either or choice.
    Third, for children over the age of two and under the age of ten, the priority that the woman can give to the child custody is as follows:
    1. The woman has undergone sterilization or lost her fertility for other reasons
    2. The children live with the woman for a long time, and the change of living environment is obviously detrimental to the healthy growth of children
    3. No other children, but the man has other children
    4. On the premise that the supporting conditions of both men and women, such as the level of job stability and income gap, are not large, if the man is at fault for the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife, such as domestic violence, evidence of extramarital affairs, etc., the child is more likely to be sentenced to the woman.
    5. The man has bad habits, such as gambling and drinking. Considering that his bad habits have a negative impact on the child's growth, the court will generally award the child to the woman.
    6. If both men and women have no obvious fault and all conditions are equal, if the woman has a better ideological quality and has more time to take care of the children, she will be more likely to get custody of the children.
    8. The conditions for parents to raise their children are basically the same. Both parties require their children to live together with them, but if the children have lived alone with their grandparents for many years, and the grandparents require and are able to help their children take care of their grandchildren, they can be considered as the priority conditions for their children to live with their parents.

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