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Guangzhou housing provident fund withdrawal conditions?

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Guangzhou housing provident fund withdrawal conditions?


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  • 2024-06-12 22:00:00

    Guangzhou housing provident fund withdrawal conditions? Withdrawal condition 1: purchase, construct, renovate or overhaul the owner occupied housing; 2. Repayment of principal and interest of house purchase loan; 3. Renting a house for self occupancy; 4. Adding elevators to existing residential buildings in the administrative area of Guangzhou; 5. Retired or retired (or reached the statutory retirement age); 6. Completely lose the ability to work and terminate the labor relationship with the employer; 7. Going abroad to settle down; 8. Laid off and unemployed persons, male 45 years old (including 45 years old), female 40 years old (including 40 years old) or above, and continuously laid off and unemployed for more than 12 months; 9. When an employee dies or is declared dead, his/her heir or legatee applies to withdraw the balance deposited in the employee's housing provident fund account. Do you understand that?

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