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How does the court usually solve the dispute over the debt settlement of the decedent

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How does the court usually solve the dispute over the debt settlement of the decedent


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  • 2024-06-25 08:01:44

    The court's handling of the debt settlement dispute of the decedent:
    1. Determine the heritage first.
    2. Distinguish the nature of the debt of the successor.
    3. Specify the specific procedures for paying off debts.
    4. Several heirs' liability sharing.
    Article 33 of the Inheritance Law refers to inheritance and debt repayment.
    Inheriting an estate shall pay off the taxes and debts that the decedent should pay according to law, and the payment of taxes and debts shall be limited to the actual value of his estate. This restriction does not apply to the part exceeding the actual value of the estate that the heir voluntarily repays. If a successor waives inheritance, he may not be liable for the taxes and debts that the decedent should pay according to law.

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