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What are you going to prepare to pick up your husband from the detention center

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What are you going to prepare to pick up your husband from the detention center


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  • 2024-06-18 08:00:57

    The main taboo to pick up people in the detention center is to keep a low profile when picking up people. Don't be too ostentatious and noisy. After all, the detention center is a serious place. If the person is released, if there are no special circumstances, the released person is released in the morning. It is appropriate to pick up the person on the morning of the day of release, when he first goes to work. It's OK to pick them up in a low profile. Don't be too ostentatious, too noisy and festive. The detention center is still a serious place. The guard post is a control area, so it is better to park the vehicle outside the yellow marked area, and you can carry your valid personal identity card for inspection by relevant guards.

    According to Article 39 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Detention Centers, the detention center shall handle the release procedures for the person released according to law according to the release notice issued by the people's court, the people's procuratorate, the public security organ or the national security organ. The detainee shall be released and a release certificate shall be issued.

    Legal basis

    Article 39 of the Regulations on Detention Centers For persons released according to law, the detention center shall handle the release procedures according to the release notice issued by the people's court, the people's procuratorate, the public security organ or the national security organ. The detainee shall be released and a release certificate shall be issued.

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