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Is there any compensation for the dismissal of the last one

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Is there any compensation for the dismissal of the last one


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  • 2024-06-18 00:00:01

    Compensation will be paid for the dismissal of the last one.
    The law stipulates that the enterprise can only terminate the contract with a worker who is not competent for his job and is still not competent after training or job adjustment. However, the "bottom elimination" can only measure the ranking of the workers in a group of people, but it does not mean that they are not competent for work. Maybe the worker did well, but because other colleagues were better than him, he was eliminated. From the actual impact, the "elimination at the end" system has caused instability in the employment situation of some employees and disrupted the normal employment order of the society. Therefore, it is illegal, and the employer should pay compensation.
    Article 87 of the Labor Contract Law Where an employer dissolves or terminates a labor contract in violation of the provisions of this Law, it shall pay compensation to the worker in accordance with twice the economic compensation standard specified in Article 47 of this Law.


    2024-06-18 00:00:01

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