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What materials should be provided for equity transfer to the Administration for Industry and Commerce?

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What materials should be provided for equity transfer to the Administration for Industry and Commerce?


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  • 2024-06-12 17:01:39

    What materials should be provided for equity transfer to the Administration for Industry and Commerce?
    The following materials need to be prepared, and then go to the Administration for Industry and Commerce to handle 1. Application for Change of Registration of the Company signed by the legal representative (with the company's official seal affixed); 2. The company signed the Schedule of Change Registration of Limited Liability Company - Shareholder Contribution Information (with the company's official seal affixed); 3. The Certificate of Designated Representative or Jointly Authorized Agent signed by the company (stamped with the company's official seal) and the photocopy of the ID card of the designated representative or jointly authorized agent; The matters to be handled, authority and authorization period of the designated representative or jointly entrusted agent shall be indicated. 4. Where a shareholder transfers its equity to a person other than a shareholder, the document of consent of more than half of the other shareholders shall be submitted; Other shareholders fail to reply within 30 days after receiving the notice; Submit the written notice of the proposed transfer shareholder to other shareholders on the transfer. If the articles of association have other provisions on equity transfer, such provisions shall prevail. It is unnecessary to submit this material for the transfer of equity between shareholders. 5. Equity transfer agreement or equity delivery certificate signed by both shareholders. If the articles of association have other provisions on equity transfer, such provisions shall prevail. 6. Copy of the new shareholder's main body qualification certificate or natural person ID card; If the shareholder is an enterprise, a copy of the duplicate of the business license shall be submitted; If the shareholder is an institutional legal person, a copy of the registration certificate of the institutional legal person shall be submitted; If the shareholder is an association legal person, a copy of the registration certificate of the association legal person shall be submitted; If the shareholder is a private non enterprise unit, a copy of the certificate of the private non enterprise unit shall be submitted; If the shareholder is a natural person, the photocopy of his/her ID card shall be submitted; Other shareholders shall submit qualification certificates required by relevant laws and regulations. 7. The amended Articles of Association or the amendment to the Articles of Association (signed by the legal representative of the company); 8. Where laws, administrative regulations and decisions of the State Council stipulate that changes in shareholders must be reported for approval, the relevant approval documents or photocopies of the permit shall be submitted; 9. Copy of the company's business license. If the people's court decides to transfer the equity according to law, it shall submit the ruling of the people's court, and it is unnecessary to submit the materials in Items 4 and 5; If the State Council, the local people's government or the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution of the people's government at the same level authorized by the State Council or the local people's government transfers the shares related to state-owned assets, the documents of the State Council, the local people's government or the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution of the people's government at the same level authorized by the State Council or the local people's government on the transfer of shares need not be submitted in Item 5. If a company changes its shareholders and involves changes in other registered items, it shall apply for change of registration at the same time, and submit the corresponding materials according to the corresponding submission standards. If a foreign-funded enterprise changes to a domestic funded company, it shall also submit the relevant materials required by the original foreign capital registration authority. Note: The forms in the first three items can be obtained directly from the Administration for Industry and Commerce. Other resolutions of the shareholders' meeting, amendments to the Articles of Association, equity transfer agreements and certificates need to be written by yourself. You'd better not go online and report them after modification, because different administrations for industry and commerce and sub bureaus require different formats, The most convenient way is to go to the accounting firm designated by your company's registered industrial and commercial bureau (usually located next to the industrial and commercial bureau) to get a sample, which can ensure that you pass the examination at one time, otherwise I guarantee that you can run at least five times to do it well. Another point is that if the registered capital of the company is more than 1 million yuan, some industrial and commercial bureaus are based on the amount of equity transferred. If the registered capital is more than 1 million yuan, an audit report needs to be issued to an accounting firm.

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