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What's the meaning of the town where the household registration is located?

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What's the meaning of the town where the household registration is located?


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  • 2024-06-12 13:00:03

    What's the meaning of the town where the household registration is located? The street where your household registration is located is the street area where your household registration is located. He represents the street to which your registered address belongs for management, that is, the street office we often say you belong. Sub district offices, referred to as sub district offices, sub district offices, etc., are the agencies of municipal districts and municipal people's governments not divided into districts of the People's Republic of China. Its jurisdiction is a street, and it belongs to the same township level administrative region as the township and town. According to the size of the street and the number of work tasks, the sub district office can set up 5-7 institutions: 1. The office of the Party Working Committee (hung with the sign of spiritual civilization office): responsible for party affairs, organization (personnel, staffing), spiritual civilization, discipline inspection, mass organizations and other work. 2. Government Affairs Office (co signed with the Comprehensive Social Security Administration Office): responsible for secretarial, comprehensive, logistics, public security, social stability and other work. 3. Urban Management Department: responsible for urban construction and management within the jurisdiction. 4. Social Affairs Management Section: responsible for civil affairs, reemployment, social security, culture and education. 5. Economic Development Department: responsible for the planning and statistics of street economic development, guidance and service to enterprises. 6. Family Planning Office: responsible for the coordination and management of family planning within the jurisdiction and the family planning work of floating population. At the same time, a public finance office will be set up to manage the funds inside and outside the budget, guide and supervise the financial work of the subdistrict and affiliated enterprises and institutions. Do you understand that?

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