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What should I do after receiving the online loan reminder letter?

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What should I do after receiving the online loan reminder letter?


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  • 2024-06-10 09:00:03

    First, calm down and get in touch with the loan company in a timely manner. Second, they told the other party that they were willing to repay, but because they actually encountered some difficulties, they looked to see whether they could negotiate the installment repayment or postpone the repayment. If the negotiation was unsuccessful, they had to wait for the loan company to sue to the court.

    What to do after receiving the notice of online loan payment

    The collection letter received by online loan is just a collection method of online loan. At this time, users only need to actively contact the collection agency to indicate that they will repay as soon as possible. The collection letter is ignored. Of course, if a collection letter is received indicating that the loan institution knows the specific address of the user, the user may encounter offline collection if he insists on not repaying. Therefore, online loan arrears must be repaid on time, otherwise the impact will not only be the collection, but also lead to poor credit reporting, and it will be difficult to handle credit business in the future. After receiving the letter of collection, immediate repayment is the top priority, which can be handled in the following ways:

    1. Try to raise money to repay as much as possible. You can turn it over to friends and relatives, and then pay it off in a lump sum.

    2. Actively contact the loan company to explain the overdue situation and strive for the opportunity of interest free installment.

    3. Work hard to increase income and reduce unnecessary expenses.

    4. Sort out debts, reasonably plan repayment and avoid prosecution.

    Can online loan be repaid slowly through negotiation?

    It is possible to negotiate repayment with banking institutions. If the overdue fees are too high, there is no need to worry about it. We can repay in time. If we are short of funds, we should not go to rob Peter to pay Paul. We should negotiate with the loan company, and many users still pay the principal. If we are lenders, if the borrower really has no money, we should go to collect it. If they don't pay the principal, there will only be an additional bad debt, Then it is better to return the principal. At the same time, don't be timid and speak well to the collectors. If the other party intimidates you, you can also talk well with him. The more afraid you are, the more threatening they will become. They just want to collect the arrears. If they can't, they will have no money. Therefore, good negotiation will still be easy to handle.

    What to do if we can't afford the online loan

    1. Organize the funds available at hand, and try to pay back as much as possible.

    2. As for the remaining part that cannot be repaid, you can actively contact the customer service of each online loan platform for negotiation, and try to apply for extension of repayment period and repayment of arrears by installments. Inform the borrower that he/she does not have the ability to repay for the time being, and provide data and information to support him/her to express his/her willingness to actively repay. The online loan platform shall consider the extension request proposed by the borrower as appropriate.

    3. Ask close relatives and friends to borrow money to raise funds to repay the debt (when the debt is repaid, we will discuss the repayment time with relatives and friends).

    4. The part of online loan that charges high interest fees in violation of regulations can be refused to return. Once it encounters usury and routine loan, evidence can be collected to report to the local CBRC or China Internet Finance Association. If they are urged by violence, they can also report the case to the public security department or file a lawsuit to the local people's court when necessary.

    If there is any unclear or new situation, we suggest you directly ask questions online to understand the situation of the communication case. The idle lawyers of the intelligent matching platform will give you detailed and targeted answers, and try to explain the general situation to avoid incorrect answers due to incomplete information and poor communication. I wish success in safeguarding human rights.

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