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Can the police help eliminate the case

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Can the police help eliminate the case


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  • 2024-06-15 08:00:47

    The public security cannot help eliminate the case. 1. Neither illegal records nor criminal records will be eliminated. The term "case record" usually refers to a criminal record, that is, a case record and a criminal record. Records of criminal punishment can be found in public security organs, procuratorates and courts. If a suspended sentence is imposed, it can also be found in the Judicial Bureau. Administrative detention is a kind of administrative punishment. The local public security organ will keep the relevant files and information of administrative punishment records. 2. In China, there is no criminal record elimination system, and these records will accompany the party for life, but the records are not open to anyone. Only when the judicial organ or lawyer handles a criminal case, the records can be provided to the public after they are reported to the competent authority for approval. It does not provide query business for ordinary units or individuals. The illegal record has little impact on the future life of the party concerned, while the criminal record will have an impact on the party concerned and their children.

    Legal basis:

    Article 275 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, if a person is under the age of 18 at the time of committing a crime and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, the relevant criminal records shall be sealed up. If the criminal record is sealed up, it shall not be provided to any unit or individual, except that the judicial organ needs to handle the case or the relevant unit makes inquiries according to the state regulations. Units that make inquiries according to law shall keep confidential the sealed criminal records.


    2024-06-15 08:00:47

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