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What are the situations of joint trial in civil proceedings?

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What are the situations of joint trial in civil proceedings?


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  • 2024-06-12 19:00:50

    What are the situations of joint trial in civil proceedings? There are six types of joint action: (1) actions brought due to disputes over common property; (2) Litigation arising from joint and several claims or debts; (3) Litigation arising from damages caused by joint infringement; (4) Litigation involving a partnership as a party; (5) Litigation arising from joint support, support and upbringing; (6) Scope of litigation arising from joint inheritance of heritage. According to Article 52 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, if one party or both parties are two or more, and their litigation objects are common, or the litigation objects are of the same type, and the people's court believes that the cases can be tried together with the consent of the parties, they are joint litigation. If a party to a joint action has common rights and obligations with respect to the subject matter of the action, the action of one of the parties is recognized by the other party, and shall be effective for the other party; If there are no common rights and obligations with respect to the object of action, the action of one of them shall not be effective with respect to the other joint litigants. Article 140 If the plaintiff increases his claims, the defendant files a counterclaim, and a third party files claims related to the case, they may be tried together.


    2024-06-12 19:00:50

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