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Basic content of indictment

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Basic content of indictment


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  • 2024-06-25 11:01:01

    (1) The basic information of the parties, the citizen should write down his name, gender, age, nationality, work unit and position, address and contact information, the legal person should write down the full name of the legal person, the place of residence, the name and position of the legal representative, the name of the entrusted agent, the position and address of the unit, and the lawyer should write down his law firm;
    (2) There are specific and definite claims;
    (3) There are facts and reasons for the prosecution;
    (4) Evidence and evidence source;
    (5) Signature, seal and date of signature of the parties.


    2024-06-25 11:01:01

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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