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Microparticle loan is sued for overdue, and the court has filed a case. What should I do

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Microparticle loan is sued for overdue, and the court has filed a case. What should I do


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  • 2024-06-04 20:00:04

    What the borrower should do is actively respond to the lawsuit, try to pay off the arrears, or apply for negotiated repayment. After being sued by microparticle loan, remember not to deliberately evade repayment, so as to avoid the continued execution of judicial proceedings, which will have greater negative impact.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 671 of the Civil Code states that if the lender fails to provide the loan on the agreed date and in the agreed amount, which causes losses to the borrower, it shall compensate for the losses.
    If the borrower fails to collect the loan on the agreed date and amount, it shall pay interest on the agreed date and amount.


    2024-06-04 20:00:04

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