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What's the use of marriage certificate

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What's the use of marriage certificate


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  • 2024-06-26 01:00:48

    Because many people do not know the role of marriage and childbearing certificate, they do not pay attention to it, and feel that it will not have much impact if it is handled or not handled. In fact, the function of marriage and childbearing certificate has a great relationship with us. It is also very powerful. If you don't know the truth, you might as well listen to what Mom.com said. The marriage and childbearing certificate refers to the certificate issued by the family planning department to prove the marriage and childbearing status of the party concerned, including not only the certificate of marriage and childbearing, but also the certificate of unmarried and non pregnant. The marriage and childbearing certificate is mainly a book to prove the marriage and childbearing status of the party concerned. Don't underestimate such a book. If you are a foreign daughter-in-law and want to have a baby in her husband's family, you must show your own marriage and childbearing certificate before you can have a baby. In addition, after the migrant workers have handled the marriage and childbearing certificate of the floating population and handed it to the family planning department of their residence, the local family planning department will include us in the family planning management services, which means that we can enjoy family planning/reproductive health services in the local area, instead of spending time and travel fees to go back to the original place of residence to receive the inspection of contraception. If you encounter any difficulties, you can also get the help of the local family planning department. Is it very useful? In addition, according to the regulations, when approving the temporary residence permit, business license, work permit and other documents of floating population, the relevant departments should check the Marriage and Childbirth Certificate of Floating Population. If there is no Marriage and Childbirth Certificate of Floating Population, it will not be approved. Those who refuse to handle and submit the Marriage and Childbearing Certificate of Floating Population according to the regulations may be fined locally in accordance with the relevant regulations.


    2024-06-26 01:00:48

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