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How to pay for maternity leave

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How to pay for maternity leave


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  • 2024-06-25 19:00:47

    If a female employee of an enterprise has received maternity insurance from her unit, her wages during maternity leave shall be paid by the maternity insurance institution according to regulations. Enterprises that do not provide maternity insurance to female employees shall be paid by the enterprise. Article 51 of the Labor Law of China stipulates that the employer shall pay wages according to law to workers on statutory holidays, during marriage and funeral leave, and during their participation in social activities according to law. Article 62 also stipulates that female workers shall enjoy maternity leave of no less than 90 days after childbirth. The Labor Protection Regulations for Women Workers in China further stipulates that the maternity leave for women workers is 90 days, including 15 days of prenatal leave. In case of dystocia, the maternity leave will be increased by 15 days. In case of multiple births, the maternity leave will be increased by 15 days for each additional baby. If a female worker is pregnant and miscarries, her unit shall give her a certain period of maternity leave according to the certificate of the medical department. All female employees who meet the above laws and regulations on maternity leave shall enjoy their own wages. At the same time, no unit may dismiss female employees or unilaterally terminate labor contracts on the grounds of maternity leave. Female employees enjoy wage treatment during maternity leave, which is different between enterprises and institutions. If a female employee of an enterprise has received maternity insurance from her unit, her wages during maternity leave shall be paid by the maternity insurance institution according to regulations. Enterprises that do not provide maternity insurance to female employees shall be paid by the enterprise. This refers to the basic salary. Other additional wages are subject to different regulations due to different business conditions of enterprises. Whether they are calculated and paid or not is up to the enterprise.


    2024-06-25 19:00:47

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