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Is it illegal to recruit minors

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Is it illegal to recruit minors


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  • 2024-06-05 15:01:40

    If the company recruits minors who are under 16 years old, it is an illegal act of employing child labor, and the labor security administrative department will punish them according to the standard of 5000 yuan per month for each child labor.

    If a minor has reached the age of 16 but not the age of 18, the company can hire him. However, special labor protection shall be provided for juvenile workers.

    Juvenile workers shall not be arranged to engage in underground mining, toxic and harmful work, work with Grade IV physical labor intensity as stipulated by the State, and other work that they should not engage in, and they shall be regularly given physical examinations.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 2 of the Provisions on the Prohibition of Child Labour, state organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, private non enterprise units or individual businesses (hereinafter referred to as employing units) shall not recruit minors under the age of 16 (recruitment of minors under the age of 16, hereinafter referred to as child labour).

    It is prohibited for any unit or individual to introduce employment for minors under the age of 16. Minors under the age of 16 are prohibited from starting businesses and engaging in individual business activities.


    2024-06-05 15:01:40

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