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Can I apply to the court to enforce the right of visitation

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Can I apply to the court to enforce the right of visitation


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  • 2024-06-15 22:00:01

    The exercise of visitation right can generally be enforced. If the direct foster party refuses to visit after divorce, it can file a lawsuit with the people's court. After the judgment, it can apply for enforcement, requiring the other party to cooperate with visitation. If it refuses to cooperate, it can apply for enforcement; After divorce, the father or mother who does not directly support their children has the right to visit their children, and the other party has the obligation to assist the party who does not directly support them in visiting their children.

    Legal basis

    Article 1067 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Parental support obligations and children's support obligations] If parents fail to perform their support obligations, minor children or adult children who cannot live independently have the right to require their parents to pay maintenance fees.
    Adult children who fail to perform their obligations of support, parents who lack the ability to work or who are in difficulty in life, have the right to demand that adult children pay alimony. Drowning, abandoning and other acts of injuring or injuring infants are prohibited.

    Article 17 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of People's Courts (for Trial Implementation), the implementation of effective legal documents should generally be applied for by the parties according to law. The legally effective legal documents, decisions on civil sanctions, and judgments, rulings, and mediation statements on civil matters incidental to criminal matters that have the content of payment of alimony, maintenance, and upbringing shall be transferred by the court to the enforcement agency for execution.


    2024-06-15 22:00:01

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