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Who shall bear the appraisal expenses of work-related injury and disability (who shall pay the appraisal expenses of work-related injury and disability)

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Who shall bear the appraisal expenses of work-related injury and disability (who shall pay the appraisal expenses of work-related injury and disability)


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  • 2024-06-10 09:00:48

    The employer shall bear the cost of identification of work-related injury and disability. In case of work-related injury, it is the responsibility of the employer, so they must bear a certain amount of identification cost. Of course, if they are dissatisfied with the final identification result of such a disability, they can also re identify the matter, which is paid by the applicant in advance.

    List of contents of this article:

    1. Who will bear the appraisal cost of work-related injury and disability? 2. Where is the work-related injury appraisal of the dispatch contract?

    Who will bear the appraisal cost of work-related injury and disability?

    The employer shall bear the appraisal cost of work-related injury and disability, and the employer shall pay the appraisal cost of work-related injury and disability.

    If the appraisal fee for the degree of loss of labor ability due to illness or non work related injury is applied for by the unit where the appraiser belongs, the appraisal fee shall be paid by the unit where the appraiser belongs; If the application is made by the appraiser, the appraisal expenses shall be paid in advance by the appraiser at the time of application. If the appraisal conclusion is that the appraiser has partially lost the ability to work or above, the appraisal expenses shall be borne by the unit to which the appraiser belongs. If there is no unit, the appraisal fee shall be borne by the individual.

    The appraisal fee for re appraisal shall be prepaid by the applicant. The re appraisal conclusion is consistent with the original appraisal conclusion, and the appraisal expenses shall be borne by the applicant. If the re appraisal conclusion is inconsistent with the appraisal conclusion, the appraisal fee shall be borne by the original appraisal institution.

    The expenses required for reapplication for appraisal due to changes in the condition of the injury shall be borne by the applicant.

    Where is the work-related injury appraisal of the dispatch contract?

    The initial labor capacity appraisal is an application made by the employer, injured workers or their immediate family members to the labor capacity appraisal committee of the city divided into districts. The application time should be when the injured workers are in a relatively stable state or have recovered. Re application for labor capacity appraisal shall be made in the labor capacity appraisal committee of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.

    The materials submitted for labor capacity appraisal are not different due to different applicants. The materials to be provided mainly include: the determination letter of work-related injury (or work-related injury certificate), the certificate of work-related injury diagnosis, and the medical condition, disease history, treatment and other information of the injured staff recorded by the hospital (including relevant radioactive materials).

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