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When will the labor arbitration award come out?

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When will the labor arbitration award come out?


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  • 2024-06-10 09:00:03

    The labor arbitration award was concluded within 45 days after the arbitration was accepted, and the specific time was not specified. As a third party, arbitration institutions deal with some uncomplicated cases, that is, civil cases. The award of the arbitration institution is legally effective, and the effective time is 15 days after the award is issued, that is, the 16th day.

    List of contents of this article:

    1. When does the labor arbitration award come out? 2. What is the effective time of the arbitration decision

    When will the labor arbitration award come out

    The arbitration tribunal shall conclude the award of the case within 45 days from the date of acceptance of the arbitration application by the Arbitration Commission. If the case is complicated and needs to be postponed, with the approval of the chairman of the arbitration commission, the extension may be extended and the parties shall be notified in writing, but the extension period shall not exceed 15 days.

    Under the following circumstances, the arbitration period shall be calculated in accordance with the following provisions:

    (1) If the applicant needs to supplement and correct the materials, the time when the arbitration commission receives the arbitration application shall be counted from the date when the materials are supplemented and corrected;

    (2) If the arbitration application is added or changed, the arbitration period shall be recalculated from the date of accepting the added or changed arbitration application;

    (3) If the arbitration application and counter application are processed together, the arbitration period shall be recalculated from the date of acceptance of the counter application;

    (4) If the case is transferred to jurisdiction, the arbitration period shall be calculated from the date of acceptance of the transfer;

    (5) The period of suspension of hearing shall not be included in the arbitration period;

    (6) There are other circumstances that should be calculated separately according to laws and regulations.

    If the case handling basis is not clear and the case is submitted to the relevant authority, or the case handling needs to wait for the determination of work-related injury, the identification of disability level, the conclusion of judicial expertise, the service of public notice, and other objective circumstances that need to suspend the arbitration hearing, the case hearing may be suspended with the approval of the chairman of the arbitration commission, and the parties shall be notified in writing. The arbitration tribunal shall resume the hearing after the objective circumstances of the suspension of the hearing are eliminated.

    What is the effective time of the arbitration decision

    After the arbitral award is made, if the parties fail to bring a lawsuit to the people's court within the period of 15 days from the date of receiving the award, the arbitral award shall become legally effective. The judgment of the first instance of a civil case, if not appealed, will take effect 15 days later; The written order takes ten days. The second instance takes effect immediately. The first instance of a criminal case takes effect ten days later

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