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How should Taobao merchants claim compensation for cheating consumers

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How should Taobao merchants claim compensation for cheating consumers


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  • 2024-06-17 23:01:40

    Taobao merchants cheat consumers. Consumers can collect relevant evidence and complain to the Consumer Association. According to relevant laws, if a business operator commits fraud in providing goods or services, it shall, at the request of consumers, increase the compensation for the losses it has suffered, and the amount of increased compensation shall be three times the price of the goods purchased or the cost of services received by consumers. If the amount of additional compensation is less than 500 yuan, it is 500 yuan. A consumer shall strive to master all of the necessary information and the ability to use a commodity or service, shall use commodities properly and shall increase awareness of self protection.
    According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests
    Article 55
    Where a business operator commits fraud in providing goods or services, it shall, at the request of consumers, increase the amount of compensation for the losses it has suffered, and the amount of increased compensation shall be three times the price of the goods purchased or the cost of services received by consumers; If the amount of additional compensation is less than 500 yuan, it is 500 yuan. If the law provides otherwise, such provisions shall prevail. Article 13
    Consumers have the right to acquire knowledge about consumption and the protection of consumers' rights and interests. A consumer shall strive to master all of the necessary information and the ability to use a commodity or service, shall use commodities properly and shall increase awareness of self protection.

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