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How can illegal cohabitation be defined

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How can illegal cohabitation be defined


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  • 2024-06-26 05:00:49

    Illegal cohabitation means that both men and women live together in the name of husband and wife without going through marriage registration procedures, and the masses also think it is a cohabitation behavior of husband and wife relationship. There is no theory of illegal cohabitation in law, and illegal cohabitation is a misunderstanding among the people. The reason is that premarital cohabitation is not protected by law, so it will be misunderstood as illegal cohabitation. According to the Chinese Marriage Law and relevant laws, there are three types of illegal cohabitation in life:
    1. Illegal cohabitation between people who have no spouse is the most common situation. Most young men and women choose to cohabit before marriage for various reasons.
    2. Illegal cohabitation between spouses and non spouses is also common, which is often referred to as extramarital affairs.
    3. Illegal cohabitation between spouses. So, how to deal with illegal cohabitation?
    2、 How to deal with illegal cohabitation
    1. The first paragraph of the third paragraph of Article 32 of the Marriage Law stipulates that if a spouse cohabits with another person, the other party may apply for divorce accordingly.
    2. Article 46 of the Marriage Law stipulates that if a person with a spouse cohabits with another person and causes divorce, the innocent party may claim damages.
    3. When hearing a case of cohabitation in the name of husband and wife without marriage registration, the people's court shall give appropriate civil sanctions to those who violate the law seriously in accordance with the Marriage Law, the General Principles of the Civil Law, the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law and other laws and regulations.


    2024-06-26 05:00:49

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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