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What are the similarities and differences between administrative expropriation and administrative expropriation?

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What are the similarities and differences between administrative expropriation and administrative expropriation?


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  • 2024-06-13 07:00:02

    What are the similarities and differences between administrative expropriation and administrative expropriation?
    Similarities: both are mandatory and are the legal consequences of unilateral administrative acts: administrative expropriation, property ownership from the opposite party to the state. For administrative expropriation, the administrative subject has temporarily obtained the right to use the property of the requisitioned party, and there is no transfer of property ownership. Administrative expropriation, in addition to property, may also include whether the labor service can be compensated: administrative expropriation, free or paid. Is it easy to understand that administrative requisition is generally paid?


    2024-06-13 07:00:02

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