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How to transfer the ownership of XX brand indicators, and whether to transfer the ownership without marriage

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How to transfer the ownership of XX brand indicators, and whether to transfer the ownership without marriage


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  • 2024-06-20 18:01:43

    First, sign a real estate sales contract (available in the local real estate trading center), and specify your agreement in the contract. For example, how to pay, pay in installments. Generally, after signing a sales contract, the first payment is 30%, and then go to the real estate trading center to transfer the account. Pay 60% on the day of transfer. After you get the property certificate, give him the last 10%.
    The transfer procedures are not complicated. As long as the original and copies of the ID cards of both parties, the household register, the marriage certificate, the tax payment certificate, the contract and the house property certificate, you can go to transfer. Note that both parties must be present and sign, and if one party does not go, it must go to the notary office for entrustment!
    The one-time payment is one month faster than the loan. The other is the same. The total time is that you can transfer the ownership on the day of signing the contract (with all the data). You can get a new property certificate 20 working days after the transfer is completed. For others, you can just hand over the water and electricity fees.


    2024-06-20 18:01:43

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