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Can I apply for a marriage certificate with a temporary ID card

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Can I apply for a marriage certificate with a temporary ID card


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  • 2024-06-23 11:00:48

    sure. The temporary ID card has the same legal effect as the ID card within the validity period, so it is certainly possible to get a marriage certificate. During the period of reissue of ID cards, temporary ID cards can be applied for, which have the same legal effect. Therefore, marriage registration procedures can be handled with the temporary ID cards, as long as you take the ID cards and household registration books of two people and register with the Civil Affairs Bureau. Article 14 of the Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Temporary Resident Identity Cards, citizens who engage in relevant activities and need to prove their identity, have the right to use temporary resident identity cards to prove their identity. Relevant units and their staff shall not refuse.
    Procedures for handling temporary ID cards for extended data:
    1. To apply to the local police station where your permanent residence is located, you should submit a residence booklet and an inch bareheaded black and white photo, and pay 10 yuan for the cost of production.
    2. If the person has not reached the age of 16, the guardian shall apply on his behalf.
    3. The police station will submit the information submitted by citizens to the county or municipal public security bureau for review and issuance, and be responsible for making certificates.
    4. The public security organ will issue the certificate to the applicant within 3 days after receiving the application.
    5. The validity period of the temporary resident identity card is three months from the date of issuance.
    6. If you cannot collect it yourself, you can entrust your family members to collect it. The agent shall take the written power of attorney of the applicant (the power of attorney shall clearly indicate the reason for applying for the temporary ID card, the relationship with the agent, the name of the agent, the ID card number, and the applicant's signature). You should also bring the applicant's household register, the second generation resident ID card to get the certificate, and the original and copy of the agent's ID card.


    2024-06-23 11:00:48

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