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Do you want money from the name of the divorce house purchase contract

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Do you want money from the name of the divorce house purchase contract


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  • 2024-06-25 14:01:51

    According to the relevant laws and regulations in China, it is necessary to judge whether the divorce house purchase contract needs to pay relevant fees according to different situations. First, the house purchase contract has been signed, but the property right registration has not yet been handled. In this case, if the name of the house purchase contract is changed after divorce, it does not involve the relevant fees, but only needs to sign the house purchase contract again. If the effectiveness of the contract needs to be strengthened, notarization procedures can be handled, and notarization fees will be involved when handling notarization. Second, after signing the house purchase contract and handling the property right registration, you need to go to the real estate registration center to handle the relevant procedures, which will involve the cost of production charged by the registration center.


    2024-06-25 14:01:51

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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