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How to penalize the report of the charge for the dining room

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How to penalize the report of the charge for the dining room


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  • 2024-06-18 02:00:50

    Catering operators should provide tableware that meets the quality standards and sanitary conditions for free, and clearly indicate the price of food and services they provide at a prominent place. They should not set a minimum consumption, and should not charge or in disguised form charge for table fees, disinfection tableware fees, bottle opening fees and other fees that do not meet the requirements. Consumers have the right to know, the right of independent choice, the right of equal transaction and other rights. Restaurant operators, as catering service providers, should provide customers with safe and healthy dining environment and dining utensils. What's more, restaurants often charge for seats and disinfected tableware at the time of checkout, which infringes the above rights of consumers. Therefore, consumers can claim to the restaurant operator that they will not pay the table fee.
    Consumer Protection Law
    Article 26 A business operator shall not, by means of standard terms, notices, statements, shop notices, etc., make unfair and unreasonable provisions to consumers, such as excluding or limiting consumers' rights, mitigating or exempting business operators' responsibilities, and increasing consumers' responsibilities, and shall not use standard terms to force transactions by technical means. If the standard terms, notices, statements, shop notices, etc. contain the contents listed in the preceding paragraph, their contents are invalid.


    2024-06-18 02:00:50

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