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What prerequisites are needed for an adopted woman

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What prerequisites are needed for an adopted woman


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  • 2024-06-25 07:00:58

    (1) The adoptee is a minor under the age of 14. The adoption of minors under the age of 14 is to help establish and foster parent-child relationships between the adopter and the adoptee, thus promoting the stability and development of the adoptive relationship.
    (2) The adoptee is an orphan who has lost his or her parents, or an abandoned baby or child whose parents cannot be found, or a child whose parents have special difficulties and are unable to support. Here, "orphans" refer to minors under the age of 14 whose parents have both died; "abandoned infants and children" refer to minors under the age of 14 who have been abandoned by their parents or other guardians and left their families or guardians.
    (3) Where a minor who has reached the age of 10 or above is adopted, the consent of the adoptee shall be obtained. Because they have preliminary ability to judge and discern the consequences of some affairs. Therefore, when adopting them, we should solicit and respect their own wishes and obtain their consent, so as to better establish a harmonious relationship between foster parents and children.
    3、 Adoption of legal knowledge is a civil legal act. The relationship between adoptive parents and their children is basically the same as that between their own parents and children. Adoption is an act of creating a blood relationship, which can be established or dissolved according to law. Foster care refers to the act of entrusting children to live in other people's homes because parents cannot directly fulfill their obligations to support their children for special reasons. The foster care does not change the relationship between parents and children.


    2024-06-25 07:00:58

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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