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How long is the validity period of the IOU without repayment date?

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How long is the validity period of the IOU without repayment date?


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  • 2024-06-12 13:00:50

    How long is the validity period of the IOU without repayment date? The maximum limitation of action for IOUs without repayment date is 20 years. An IOU is a document written by an individual or unit to relevant units or individuals when they owe money or things. IOUs are also called "white IOUs" today. The IOU is also a kind of voucher commonly used in daily life to prove that one party owes the other party property. The IOU has no validity period, and there is no saying that it is expired, expired or invalid. There is a limitation of action for the IOU. The limitation of action for the IOU is two years. The limitation of action can be interrupted from the repayment date on the IOU. It can be interrupted for several times from the date of interruption. Is this easy to understand?


    2024-06-12 13:00:50

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