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What is the only way to formulate punishment in written law in China

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What is the only way to formulate punishment in written law in China


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  • 2024-06-15 22:00:02

    In our country, punishment can only be formulated by the highest authority of the state in the form of written law, and no other authority has the right to formulate punishment. When the highest authority formulates punishment, it can only be clearly stipulated in the written law. The penalty can only be applied by the state judicial organ in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law and legal procedures, and only applies to specific objects, namely criminals. In addition, the task of Article 2 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China is to fight against all criminal acts with criminal punishments in order to safeguard national security, safeguard the political power of the people's democratic dictatorship and the socialist system, protect state-owned property and property collectively owned by the working people, protect property privately owned by citizens, and protect citizens' rights of the person Democratic and other rights, maintain social and economic order, and ensure the smooth progress of socialist construction.

    Legal basis

    Article 2 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China [Tasks of this Law Democratic and other rights, maintain social and economic order, and ensure the smooth progress of socialist construction.

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  • law

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