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How to Write the Sample of Qingyuan Divorce Agreement

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How to Write the Sample of Qingyuan Divorce Agreement


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  • 2024-06-23 11:00:47

    Male Party: ________, ethnic group, born on MM/DD/YYYY.
    Address: _____________________, ID card number:_________________
    Female Party: ________, ethnic group, born on MM/DD/YYYY.
    Address: _____________________, ID card number:_________________
    Both men and women registered for marriage on ____, and gave birth to their daughter, ______, on ____, after marriage. Due to ____________, the relationship between the husband and wife has really broken down and there is no possibility of reconciliation. Now, through voluntary consultation, both parties have reached an agreement and concluded a divorce agreement as follows:
    1、 Both men and women divorce voluntarily.
    2、 Custody, alimony and visitation rights
    Daughter ________ is raised by the woman, who lives with her until she is 18 years old, and the children choose which one to choose.
    The man shall be responsible for the alimony. The man shall pay the alimony of ______ yuan to the designated account of the woman in the following ways during the 1-3 days of each month. The tentative account of the woman is Yes, with the opening bank of ______ and the account number of ______. In case of any change, the male party can be notified in writing 10 days in advance.
    The man can pick up his daughter to live with him on Saturday and Sunday every ______ weeks, and send her back to the woman's residence before ______ on Sunday evening.
    3、 Property disposal
    (1) Deposit: The existing bank deposit under the name of both parties is ______ yuan in total, and each party is divided into half, which is yuan. Distribution method: The deposit under their respective names remains unchanged, but the male party shall pay the female party a lump sum of ______ yuan before ______.
    (2) House: The ownership of the real estate located at _______________ jointly owned by the husband and wife belongs to the woman. The formalities for the name change of the owner of the real estate ownership certificate shall be handled within one month after the divorce. The man must assist the woman to handle all the formalities for the change, and the transfer fee shall be borne by the woman. The female party shall compensate the male party for the house price difference of yuan in a lump sum before MM/DD/YYYY.
    (3) Other properties and debts: in addition to the above properties, other properties and debts under the respective names of both parties shall be borne respectively.
    4、 Liability for breach of contract
    If either party fails to perform relevant obligations as agreed herein, it shall pay the other party liquidated damages of ________ yuan.
    Male Party (signature): _________ Female Party (signature):_________
    Date: Date:


    2024-06-23 11:00:47

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