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What are the rights and responsibilities of the company's shareholders?

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What are the rights and responsibilities of the company's shareholders?


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  • 2024-06-12 13:00:03

    What are the rights and responsibilities of the company's shareholders?
    The shareholders' rights mainly include enjoying asset income according to law, participating in major decisions and selecting managers, and their responsibilities include deciding the company's business policy and investment plan, and amending the company's articles of association. The rights of shareholders can be summarized as follows: 1. Self benefit right. That is, the right of shareholders to enjoy benefits based on their own contributions. Such as the right to receive dividends and bonuses, the right to distribute property when the company is dissolved, and the right of first refusal when other shareholders disagree to transfer their capital contributions. This is the right exercised by shareholders for their own interests. 2. Co beneficial rights. That is, the shareholders' rights to participate in the company's operation and management based on their own capital contributions, such as the right to vote, the right to supervise, the right to request the convening of a shareholders' meeting, the right to consult accounting statements, and so on. This is the right exercised by shareholders for the interests of the company and their own interests at the same time. The responsibilities and obligations of shareholders are as follows: 1. Abide by the Articles of Association; 2. Pay the subscribed capital contribution on schedule; 3. Bear limited liability for the company's debts; The shareholders of a limited liability company are indirectly liable for the debts of the company only to the extent of their capital contributions, that is, the shareholders need not be liable for the debts of the company with their own personal property. 4. Obligation to make contribution; Under the following circumstances, the shareholders of a limited liability company shall assume the obligation to make up their capital contributions: when the company is established, if a shareholder makes capital contributions in kind, industrial property, non patented technology, and land use rights instead of in currency, after evaluation and pricing, if the actual value is significantly lower than the value assessed in the articles of association, the shareholder who made the capital contribution shall make up the difference, Other shareholders shall be jointly and severally liable. 5. Additional contribution obligation; Additional capital contribution means that in addition to making capital contributions according to their respective subscribed amounts, the shareholders' meeting can also make a resolution to require shareholders to pay again in excess of their capital contributions. The obligation of additional capital contribution is an arbitrary item in the articles of association, that is, the Company Law does not list its contents, but once it is recorded, it shall become effective. 6. After the approval and registration of the company, it is not allowed to withdraw its capital contribution without authorization; 7. Honestly trust the Company and other shareholders; 8. Other obligations that should be performed according to law. Do you understand that?


    2024-06-12 13:00:03

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