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What are the procedures for transferring a foreign driver's license to local?

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What are the procedures for transferring a foreign driver's license to local?


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  • 2024-06-12 14:00:55

    What are the procedures for transferring a foreign driver's license to local? Prepare the required materials and go to the vehicle management office, traffic police sub bureau and district (city)/county traffic police brigade for handling. Take the transfer to Beijing as an example: 1. Materials required for handling affairs (1) Application Form for Motor Vehicle Driving License; (2) The Certificate of Motor Vehicle Driver's Physical Condition issued by the medical institution at the county level or above the regimental level of the armed forces, if it is a small automatic transmission passenger car dedicated to the disabled, shall submit the Certificate of Motor Vehicle Driver's Physical Condition issued by the special medical institution designated by the provincial competent health department; (3) The original and photocopy of the applicant's valid identity certificate; (4) The original of motor vehicle driving license within the validity period; (5) Three recent one inch bareheaded white background color photos. 2. Vehicle management office handling process (1) Get the number from the vehicle management office, traffic police sub bureau and district (city)/county traffic police brigade, and then submit the data at the acceptance window; (2) Pay relevant fees at the payment window; (3) Get your driver's license at the license window. 3. If the time limit for handling affairs meets the requirements, the driver's license shall be renewed within one working day. 4. Other instructions (1) The applicant's motor vehicle driving license must be valid, complete, and free from ambiguous information due to damage and illegibility; (2) The transfer certificate shall be verified first, and A1 Drivers with A2, A3, B1 and B2 driver's licenses who have scores within one scoring cycle, and drivers who hold other quasi driving vehicle driver's licenses and bear more than the same responsibility for death caused by traffic accidents, but whose motor vehicle driver's licenses have not been revoked, shall participate in at least three hours of road traffic safety laws and regulations, traffic safety civilized driving, emergency response and other knowledge learning during the examination, And receive warning education on traffic accident cases; (3) Check the information of the applicant and the motor vehicle driver's license before application, as well as the situation that the applicant has not recorded 12 points, has not been examined within the time limit, has been detained, detained, temporarily detained, cancelled, revoked, or revoked the motor vehicle driver's license, or has not handled road traffic safety violations or traffic accidents; (4) When the vehicle management office handles the transfer of the motor vehicle driving license into the license renewal business, if it is less than 90 days before the expiration of the valid period of the motor vehicle driving license, it can handle the license renewal business at the same time; (5) A motor vehicle driver may apply for transfer and renewal of his/her license only after his/her internship period expires. This is the relevant law about your problem.


    2024-06-12 14:00:55

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