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Veterans' entrepreneurial loan provisions?

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Veterans' entrepreneurial loan provisions?


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  • 2024-06-12 13:00:50

    Veterans' entrepreneurial loan provisions? The state has always had preferential policies for the placement of veterans. According to the provisions of the Notice of the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Improving and Perfecting the Policy of Small amount Guaranteed Loans, "laid-off and unemployed persons holding the Re employment Preferential Certificate, and demobilized and demobilized military personnel in cities and towns who hold valid certificates for demobilized from active service can apply to banks for small amount guaranteed loans according to regulations. There are some differences in the specific arrangements for veterans' loan policies in different regions. Specifically, if veterans want to start businesses, qualified commercial banks should give priority to credit support to veterans, and veterans can enjoy preferential tax benefits. In addition, if the veterans are engaged in low profit projects, they should be given financial discount, and they can enjoy interest free loans at the highest time. Generally speaking, veterans need to meet these requirements: 1. Have a local account where the loan bank is located, and have not yet been resettled; 2. Willing to start a business. The veterans who meet the above two conditions can enjoy the policy of applying for replication loans and government subsidy interest if they establish micro enterprises. The specific method is that the veterans carry their own retirement certificates, enterprise information check lists of retired soldiers, and personal ID card account books to the local government for verification. If the conditions are met, they can apply to the local township government and the industry and commerce department. After the application, they can go to the bank to apply for a loan with all the supporting materials. Do you understand that?

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