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Does a married daughter in the countryside have the obligation to support her parents

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Does a married daughter in the countryside have the obligation to support her parents


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  • 2024-06-22 18:00:50

    Yes, but it also depends on whether the other party has the ability to support. The relevant laws and regulations hope to help you. According to the Constitution, adult children have the obligation to support their parents. China's Marriage Law also stipulates that children have the obligation to support their parents. When children fail to perform their obligations, parents who are unable to work or have difficulties in living have the right to ask their children to pay alimony.
    The main content of support and assistance refers to that under the existing economic and social conditions, children should provide necessary daily necessities and expenses for their parents economically, and respect, care and take care of their parents in life, spirit and emotion.
    Adult children with financial affordability, regardless of gender, married and unmarried, should try their best to fulfill this obligation according to law when their parents need support until their parents die.
    The obligation of children to support their parents not only occurs between legitimate children and their parents, but also between illegitimate children and their parents, between adopted children and foster parents, and between step children and step parents who have fulfilled the obligation of supporting and educating.
    In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the dependents, the Marriage Law stipulates that when children do not perform their obligations of support, parents who are unable to work or who have difficulties in living have the right to require their children to pay alimony. Those who refuse to do so may be settled through litigation. If the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
    (2) The younger generation's support for the elder
    The Marriage Law stipulates that grandchildren and grandchildren who can afford it have the obligation to support their grandparents and maternal grandparents whose children have died.
    This kind of support is conditional, that is, the grandchildren and grandchildren must be able to afford it, and the children of grandparents and grandparents have died.
    The above provisions are important legal measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly.
    Legal consequences of failure to perform maintenance obligations
    The second paragraph of Article 21 of the Marriage Law stipulates that: "When parents fail to perform the obligation of maintenance, children who are minors or cannot live independently have the right to demand maintenance payments."
    Generally speaking, after the children grow up and live independently, their parents no longer have the obligation to support them in material and life. However, parents have the obligation to educate and support adult children in the following circumstances when they can afford to do so:
    1. Having lost the ability to work or part of the ability to work, and his income is not enough to support himself;
    2. Those who are still studying at school;
    3. Having no ability or conditions to live independently.
    When parents fail to perform their obligations, minor children have the right to claim maintenance fees from their parents. Disputes arising from forced claims for alimony may be mediated by the relevant departments or handled by the people's courts in accordance with legal procedures. If a person refuses to support him or her, and the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he or she shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law

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