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Why is the unit unwilling to apply for work-related injury

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Why is the unit unwilling to apply for work-related injury


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  • 2024-06-18 07:01:34

    If the employer does not report work-related injuries, it may not want to bear the relevant liability for compensation.

    The work-related injury insurance premium is paid at a certain rate according to the total wages of the company, and employees do not need to pay it. When the company applies for work-related injuries for employees, the company should bear roughly the wages for the shutdown period, medical expenses that cannot be reimbursed by medical insurance, and one-time disability employment subsidies. Due to the employer's deliberate delay in declaring the time of work-related injury, the injured worker or his close relatives, the trade union organization, within one year from the date of the accident injury or the date of being diagnosed and identified as an occupational disease, can directly apply to the social insurance administrative department of the overall planning area where the employer is located for identification of work-related injury.

    Legal basis

    Article 14 of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance shall be deemed as industrial injury if an employee has any of the following circumstances:
    (1) Injuries caused by accidents during working hours and in the workplace;
    (2) Those who are injured by accidents while engaged in preparatory or finishing work related to work in the workplace before and after working hours;
    (3) Accidental injuries such as violence during working hours and in the workplace due to the performance of work duties;
    (4) Suffering from occupational diseases;
    (5) Injured due to work or missing due to accident during the period of going out for work;
    (6) On the way to and from work, he is injured by a traffic accident for which he is not primarily responsible or an urban rail transit, passenger ferry or train accident;
    (7) Other circumstances that shall be recognized as work-related injuries according to laws and administrative regulations.


    2024-06-18 07:01:34

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