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What is the meaning of dispute in law? Is it a fight or a fight?

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What is the meaning of dispute in law? Is it a fight or a fight?


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  • 2024-06-13 07:00:00

    What is the meaning of dispute in law? Is it a fight or a fight?
    There is no concept of "dispute" in the law. The so-called dispute is usually interpreted as: each sticks to his own ideas and refuses to yield to each other. [Words]: Disputes [Note]: zh è ng zh í [Definition]: Each sticks to his own opinion and refuses to give way to the other: disputes | resolve disputes. During the Ming Dynasty, Dong Duxing, a native of Jiyang, Shandong, became an official in the capital. One day, he received a letter from home, saying that his family had a dispute with his neighbor over building a house for the foundation. He hoped that he could use his right to come forward and solve the problem. After reading it, Dong Duxing immediately wrote a letter, saying: "A book sent from a thousand miles away is just for the wall, which can't help but make me laugh and break my heart; you are kind and we are a close neighbor, so why not give up two feet?" After reading it, the family felt that Dong Duxing was reasonable, so they took the initiative to give up a few feet when building a house. The neighbors, seeing that the Dong family is like this, also have some feelings and follow suit. As a result, the two families gave up a place eight feet wide. After the house was built, there was a Hutong, known as "Renyi Hutong". Is this easy to understand?

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