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Is housing provident fund universally used?

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Is housing provident fund universally used?


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  • 2024-06-13 05:00:48

    Is housing provident fund universally used?
    At present, it has not been fully realized, but it can implement loans from other places. Conditions of non local loan 1. When employees who have continuously deposited housing provident fund in normal amount for more than 6 months (including 6 months) in the management core and sub core of the housing provident fund in the place of deposit (referred to as the "deposit core" for short) and whose accounts are in normal status purchase ordinary commercial housing for their own residence outside the jurisdiction of the provincial place of deposit, You can apply to the management core of the housing provident fund (referred to as the "loan core") for personal housing provident fund for off-site housing loans. 2. The qualification identification, approval requirements, loan amount, loan duration, etc. of loans from other places shall be carried out, and the relevant provisions of the core housing provident fund of the loan land shall be implemented. 3. Employees cannot apply for two housing provident fund loans at the same time from the core of the place of deposit and the core of the place of loan. If the housing provident fund loan has been handled in the core of the place of deposit and has not been repaid, they cannot apply for another loan from another place during the repayment period. Is this easy to understand?


    2024-06-13 05:00:48

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