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Cost for work delay due to road traffic accidents

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Cost for work delay due to road traffic accidents


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  • 2024-06-28 18:00:50

    The living expenses of the dependants shall be calculated according to the degree of the loss of working ability of the dependants and the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents and rural residents in the previous year in the place where the court is located. If the dependant is a minor, 20 years shall be counted for the period up to the age of 18 if the dependant is unable to work and has no other source of income. However, for those over 60 years old, if the age increases by one year and decreases by one year for those over 75 years old, it shall be calculated as five years.
    The term "dependant" refers to a minor who should bear the obligation to support the victim according to law or an adult near relative who has lost the ability to work and has no other source of income. If the dependant has other dependants, the compensation obligor shall only compensate the part that the victim should bear according to law. If there are several dependants, the total amount of annual compensation shall not exceed the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents or the per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents in the previous year.
    The public security department of the State Council is responsible for the administration of road traffic safety throughout the country. The traffic management departments of the public security organs of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the management of road traffic safety within their respective administrative areas.
    The transportation and construction administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the relevant road traffic work according to their respective responsibilities.
    People's governments at all levels shall regularly carry out road traffic safety education to improve citizens' awareness of road traffic safety.
    When performing their duties, the traffic management department of the public security organ and the traffic police shall strengthen the publicity of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and set an example in abiding by the laws and regulations on road traffic safety.
    State organs, armed forces, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and other organizations shall educate their own personnel on road traffic safety.
    Education administrative departments and schools shall incorporate road traffic safety education into legal education.
    The press, publishing, radio, television and other relevant units have the obligation to carry out road traffic safety education.

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