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Does the court need to investigate and collect evidence for what the court said on the day of divorce?

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Does the court need to investigate and collect evidence for what the court said on the day of divorce?


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  • 2024-06-13 07:00:48

    Does the court need to investigate and collect evidence for what the court said on the day of divorce? 1、 The fact investigation of the case needs to be carried out in the court, and the investigation and evidence collection outside the court needs to be applied by the parties or carried out ex officio according to the specific case. Marriage is voluntary, legally recognized and has legal effect. The court will also consider the issues of both parents and children. Family is the foundation of society, and unstable family will bring unstable factors to society. So the court will not easily divorce. Unless there is a very solid reason to support you. 2、 Under the following circumstances, an application may be submitted to the court for investigation and evidence collection: 1. The evidence applied for investigation and collection belongs to the archival materials kept by the relevant national departments and required to be retrieved by the people's court on its own authority; 2. Materials involving state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy; 3. Other materials that the parties and their agents cannot collect due to objective reasons. In addition, the court will not actively investigate and collect evidence.

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