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My child has not reached the full moon and is not old enough to get married

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My child has not reached the full moon and is not old enough to get married


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  • 2024-06-21 00:00:02

    According to Article 1 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Marriage Law (II), "If a party brings a lawsuit to request the dissolution of the cohabitation relationship, the people's court will not accept it. If a party brings a lawsuit due to the property division or child rearing dispute during the cohabitation period, the people's court shall accept it." In addition, refer to the Marriage Law The third paragraph of Article 36 stipulates: "After divorce, the children who are breast-feeding shall be brought up by the breast-feeding mother in principle. If the two parties fail to reach an agreement on the upbringing of the children who are breast-feeding, the people's court shall make a judgment according to the rights and interests of the children and the specific conditions of both parties." The first item of the Several Specific Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on the People's Court's Handling of Children's Support in the Trial of Divorce Cases stipulates that: "1. Children under the age of two generally live with their mother. If the mother has one of the following circumstances, she may live with her father: (1) If she has an incurable infectious disease or other serious diseases, her children are not suitable to live with her; (2) Having conditions for upbringing but not fulfilling the obligation of upbringing, and the father requires the child to live with him; (3) For other reasons, children really cannot live with their mother. " There are no two full moon children involved in custody disputes. According to the above legal provisions, it is beneficial for the woman to strive for the custody of the child, and in principle, it will be awarded to the woman for custody. The above suggestions are for your reference.

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