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How many levels of work-related injury is a broken forefinger?

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How many levels of work-related injury is a broken forefinger?


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  • 2024-06-13 06:02:25

    How many levels of work-related injury is a broken forefinger? A severed forefinger is a Grade 10 work-related injury. According to the Industrial Injury Identification Standard, the level 10 disability includes: 1. The distal interphalangeal joint of any finger except the thumb is broken or the function is lost. 2. After fingertip skin grafting (hypertrophic scar more than 1 cm2). 3. The skin graft area on the back of the hand is more than 50cm2, and there are obvious scars. 4. The skin graft area of palm and foot is more than 30%. 5. Except for the big toe, 3~4 distal segments of fingers are missing. 6. Except for the big toe, any end of the toe is missing. Is this easy to understand?

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