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What should we do if we can't get the alimony and the court enforces it or has no money

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What should we do if we can't get the alimony and the court enforces it or has no money


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  • 2024-06-25 14:01:06

    After investigation by the people's court, if the party really has no property to enforce, the execution may be suspended. If the party demanding the payment of maintenance finds that the person subjected to execution has other property, it may request the people's court to enforce at any time.
    In case of malicious transfer, the debtor shall bear the corresponding legal liability to the people's court.
    Article 254 of the Criminal Procedure Law stipulates that if the person subjected to execution is still unable to repay his debts after the people's court has taken the enforcement measures prescribed in this Law, he shall continue to perform his obligations.
    If the creditor finds that the person subjected to execution has other property, he may request the people's court to enforce at any time.
    It is illegal to force people not to pay alimony. The crime of refusing to perform a valid judgment or order.
    If a person who has the obligation to bring up a child refuses to perform his statutory obligation, and still refuses to perform his obligation after the judgment or ruling of the people's court becomes effective, he may be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
    The court enforces alimony in the following ways:
    1. Query, freeze, and transfer the deposit of the applicant for execution.
    2. Withholding and withdrawing the income of the person against whom enforcement is sought.
    3. Seal up, distrain, auction or sell off the property of the person against whom enforcement is sought.


    2024-06-25 14:01:06

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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