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What materials are needed for drawing the state managed provident fund?

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What materials are needed for drawing the state managed provident fund?


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  • 2024-06-12 16:00:55

    What materials are needed for drawing the state managed provident fund? The following conditions are required for the receipt of housing provident fund: when purchasing, constructing, renovating or overhauling self owned housing with ownership; When leaving, retiring or reaching the retirement age; Completely lose the ability to work and terminate the labor relationship with the employer; When the registered permanent residence moves out of the city or leaves the country to settle down; When a non local employee is transferred from this city; When employees repay the principal and interest of the house purchase loan, they can draw the balance of the housing provident fund to offset; When an employee dies or is declared dead, the heir or legatee of the employee can withdraw the balance from the housing fund account of the deceased employee, and the housing fund account of the employee will be closed at the same time. Withdrawal process of housing provident fund: application (approval) for individual withdrawal of housing provident fund; The original and photocopy of his/her ID card (the original and photocopy of the marriage certificate must be provided by the husband and wife when withdrawing); Due to which type of accumulation fund is withdrawn, the required supporting materials shall be provided according to the corresponding conditions. This is the relevant law about your problem.


    2024-06-12 16:00:55

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