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How much can we sue before we can sue

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How much can we sue before we can sue


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  • 2024-06-18 05:00:57

    No matter how much the money is, a civil lawsuit can be filed for repayment. The litigation process and information are as follows:

    1. Provide the basic information of the other party, and then file a lawsuit to the court where the other party is domiciled, demanding repayment of the arrears and payment of interest on overdue repayment.

    2. The materials required for filing a case include: ID card, indictment and main evidence materials.

    3. After being legally served and summoned, the court may make a default judgment.

    4. After the judgment comes into effect, you have the right to apply for compulsory execution in the original court by virtue of the effective judgment and the application for execution, but you should provide the property clues of the person subjected to execution.

    Legal basis

    Article 122 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China must meet the following conditions for a lawsuit:
    (1) The plaintiff is a citizen, legal person or other organization that has a direct interest in the case;
    (2) There are definite defendants;
    (3) There are specific claims, facts and reasons;
    (4) It falls within the scope of civil litigation accepted by the people's court and under the jurisdiction of the people's court to which the lawsuit is filed.

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