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What is the process of social insurance and provident fund transfer?

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What is the process of social insurance and provident fund transfer?


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  • 2024-06-13 04:00:51

    What is the process of social insurance and provident fund transfer? This is very simple. In 2010, the country has promulgated the interim measures for trans provincial social security transfer. You should first go to the Shanghai Social Security Center to issue a "social security payment voucher", and then return it to the company or its own Shenyang Social Security Center for trans provincial transfer of social security. The Social Security Center will handle the transfer procedures for you. To give you a specific official explanation: how should migrant workers handle the transfer procedures of pension insurance relations? Answer: In order to prevent the insured from traveling back and forth between the two places due to handling the renewal relationship, the Interim Measures stipulate a unified handling process: first, when the insured leaves the original place of employment, they should go to the social security agency in the original place of insurance to issue the insurance payment certificate. The second is that after the insured personnel get employed in the new employment place and participate in the insurance payment, they or the employer shall submit a written application to the social security agency in the new employment insurance place to continue the pension insurance relationship, and show the insurance payment certificate issued by the original employment insurance place. Third, after reviewing the application, the social security agency in the new employment insurance participating place confirmed that the transfer conditions were met, that is, contact and communicate with the social security agency in the original insurance participating place, and handle the relevant information transfer and fund transfer procedures for the insured as required. Fourth, after the relevant procedures are completed, the social security agency in the new employment insurance area will notify the employer or the employee, and the whole relationship transfer and continuation procedures will be completed. That is to say, as long as the insured person submits an application and presents the insurance payment voucher, other procedures will be handled by the social security agencies in both places. The insured person does not have to travel back and forth. It should be specially reminded that when you decide to leave a city, you must go to the social security agency of the original insured place to issue and properly keep the insurance payment voucher; When working in another city, apply for transfer and continuation in time. Supplement: No, the social security deposit voucher can only be handled by yourself. However, your original company can also help you.

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