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What is the concept of crime?

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What is the concept of crime?


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  • 2024-06-12 22:00:49

    What is the concept of crime?
    The concept of crime refers to the act of violating the legal interests protected in the specific provisions of criminal law by the person with criminal responsibility. That is, acts that are socially harmful, criminal illegal and punishable. Extended information: A criminal act is an act committed by a criminal who violates the provisions of the Criminal Law and constitutes a crime. It is the basis of the constitution of crime and the basis for the perpetrator to bear criminal responsibility in criminal law. Criminology focuses on the study of criminal acts from the following perspectives: (1) the study of criminal acts as a stage of the evolution of criminal psychology, such as criminal consciousness - criminal motivation - criminal acts - criminal results; (2) Study the criminal behavior mode, find out the law and characteristics from it, and provide the basis for formulating the policy of crime prevention and control; (3) To study the criminal behavior of a certain criminal and provide help for the reform of the criminal. Is there anything you don't understand?


    2024-06-12 22:00:49

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