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How to issue personal income certificate

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How to issue personal income certificate


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  • 2024-06-18 06:00:01

    1. Submit an application to the Human Resources Department of the unit for issuing an income certificate, stating the organization and specific purpose for which the Income Certificate is applicable.

    2. The Human Resources Department shall issue the Income Certificate according to the company's income certificate template and affix the official seal, which can be the official seal of the enterprise or the special seal for recognition.

    3. The Income Certificate generally contains the employee's name, entry date, position, ID card number, company contact information, purpose of income certificate and other information.

    Income certificate is a kind of certificate of economic income required by Chinese citizens in their daily production, life and business activities. Generally, when handling visas, bank loans, credit cards, etc., they will be required to issue a certificate of economic income by the unit concerned.

    Legal basis

    Article 46 of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China shall follow the principle of distribution according to work and implement equal pay for equal work.
    Wages are gradually rising on the basis of economic development. The state exercises macro-control over the total amount of wages.

    Article 47 of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China The employing unit shall, according to its production and operation characteristics and economic benefits, independently determine its own wage distribution method and wage level according to law.

    Article 4 of the Provisional Regulations on Wage Payment: Wages shall be paid in legal currency. Payment shall not be made in kind or securities in lieu of currency.

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