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How much is Weifang's individual social insurance payment and unit payment in 2016?

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How much is Weifang's individual social insurance payment and unit payment in 2016?


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  • 2024-06-12 12:00:01

    How much is Weifang's individual social insurance payment and unit payment in 2016?
    Take the social insurance payment of employees as an example. The amount of Weifang's individual social insurance payment and unit payment in 2016 is mainly based on the base paid by the employee's unit, and the minimum base of Weifang's employees in 2016 is 2910 yuan/month. 1. Endowment insurance: enterprise contribution=approved total wages of enterprise employees × 20%. Individual payment amount=approved payment base × 8%. Based on this calculation, the company will pay 2910 yuan * 20%=582 yuan, and the individual employee will pay 2910 yuan * 8%=232.8 yuan. 2. Medical insurance: according to the proportion of the two, the proportion of employees' unit contribution is 10%, and the proportion of individual contribution is Wie 2%. Based on this calculation, the unit needs to pay 2910 yuan * 10%=291 yuan, and the individual employee needs to pay 2910 yuan * 2%=58.2 yuan. 3. Unemployment insurance: subject to the payment ratio of 1%, the unit payment ratio is 0.8%, and the individual payment ratio is 0.2%. Then the corresponding unit will pay 2910 yuan * 0.8%=23.28 yuan. The expenses paid by employees are 5.82 yuan. 4. Industrial injury insurance: The industrial injury insurance premium shall be paid in accordance with the insurance base, and shall be paid in full by the company, with the payment proportion of 0.5%. Then the unit needs to pay 2910 yuan * 0.5%=14.55 yuan, and the individual employee does not need to pay. 5. Maternity insurance: The maternity insurance premium shall be paid according to the insurance base, and shall be paid in full by the company, with the payment ratio being 0.8%. Then the cost paid by the company is 2910 yuan * 0.8%=23.28 yuan, which is not required to be paid by individual employees. 6. Housing provident fund: the contribution ratio of the housing provident fund of employees and units shall not be less than 5% of the average monthly salary of employees in the previous year; In cities where conditions permit, the deposit ratio shall be appropriately increased. It is subject to 5% of both contributions, and 5% of the housing provident fund is paid by the unit and 5% by the individual employee. The payment is 2910 yuan * 5%=145.5 yuan for the unit and 2910 yuan * 5%=145.5 yuan for the individual. To sum up, the expenses to be paid by the company include: endowment insurance+medical insurance+work-related injury insurance+maternity insurance+housing fund=291 yuan+23.28 yuan+14.55 yuan+23.28 yuan+145.5 yuan=497.61 yuan. The fees paid by individuals are: endowment insurance+medical insurance+housing fund=58.2 yuan+5.82 yuan+145.5 yuan=209.52 yuan. Is this easy to understand?

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