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Who owns the money earned by the daughter before marriage

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Who owns the money earned by the daughter before marriage


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  • 2024-06-18 04:00:56

    Generally, the money earned by a daughter before marriage belongs to her. According to Articles 17 and 18 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, an adult is at least 18 years old, and adults can freely dispose of their own labor income. A natural person over the age of 16 but under the age of 18 who is able to earn his own labor income and maintain the general living standard of the local people can be identified as a person with full civil capacity who takes his own labor income as the main source of livelihood. A person with full civil capacity can freely dispose of his own labor income. If parents want to give them money, they can negotiate. As daughters, they have the obligation to support their parents. According to relevant laws and regulations, adult children who do not perform their obligations of support, parents who lack the ability to work or who are in difficulty in living, have the right to require adult children to pay alimony.

    Legal basis

    Article 17 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Age Standards for Adults and Minors] A natural person over the age of 18 is an adult. A natural person under the age of 18 is a minor.

    Article 18 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Persons with full civil capacity] Adults are persons with full civil capacity and can independently perform civil juristic acts.
    Minors over the age of 16 who take their own labor income as their main source of income shall be regarded as persons with full capacity for civil conduct.

    Article 1067 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Parental support obligations and children's support obligations] If parents fail to perform their support obligations, minor children or adult children who cannot live independently have the right to require their parents to pay maintenance fees.
    Adult children who fail to perform their obligations of support, parents who lack the ability to work or who are in difficulty in life, have the right to demand that adult children pay alimony. Drowning, abandoning and other acts of injuring or injuring infants are prohibited.

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