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Can tenants force their goods out if they don't leave?

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Can tenants force their goods out if they don't leave?


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  • 2024-06-12 22:00:04

    Can tenants force their goods out if they don't leave? Upon the expiration of the lease term of the house, the house lease contract will be terminated. Upon the expiration of the lease term, the lessee shall move out of the leased house according to the contract date. If the lessee needs to continue to use the house, it shall propose three months before the expiration of the lease term and sign a new lease contract with the consent of the lessor. The house is different from other leased items. After the expiration of the lease term, the lessor must have a certain time to make arrangements whether to take back the house for its own use or prepare to lease it to other lessees. Therefore, the lessee should decide in advance whether to continue to use it and propose to the lessor so that the lessor can make timely arrangements. Another function proposed to the lessor in advance is that if the lessor cannot rent the house to the original lessee for various reasons, the lessee can also make arrangements as early as possible to avoid falling into a passive situation. If the lessee fails to put forward the request to continue renting in time, but fails to move out of the leased house in time after the lease expires, it is a breach of contract. At this time, in addition to paying the rent during the overdue use period, the lessee should also pay liquidated damages. If this breach of contract has caused economic losses to the lessor, and such losses have exceeded the liquidated damages, it should also pay compensation. For privately leased houses, the relevant laws and regulations apply: "If the lessee is unable to find the house at the expiration of the lease term, the lessor should extend the lease term as appropriate." Some lessors do not ask the lessee to take back the house after the lease term expires, but continue to collect rent from the lessee. This is actually a commitment to the extension of the lease term, rather than a breach of contract by the lessee. However, this extended lease relationship is not protected by law and is prone to disputes. Therefore, if both parties are willing to renew the contract, they should go through the lease registration formalities again and get the house lease registration certificate. The solution for the householder not to move when the rent is due: 1. Inform the householder to move out within a reasonable period (such as 3 days) and pay the house price, or else bring a lawsuit to the court. 2. If they do not move out within the notice period, they shall file a lawsuit in the court and request property preservation before the lawsuit, and the court shall seal up the goods stored in the room. 3. To sue for repayment of the house payment, delay in payment of the bank interest for the same period of the house payment, move out of the rental house, and pay the rent for the extended lease. Do you understand that?

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