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What if the disabled can't pay off the online loan

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What if the disabled can't pay off the online loan


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  • 2024-06-10 09:00:02

    You have to find a way to repay the loan if it is not enough. You can find relatives and friends to turn it over or negotiate with the loan institution to show your willingness to repay the loan. However, due to special circumstances, you cannot repay the full amount for the time being. It is up to you to see whether you can negotiate the installment payment or postpone it for a period of time. You must not remain in debt.

    What to do if the disabled cannot repay the online loan

    1. No matter the disabled or the normal, as long as the loan is made, it needs to be repaid within the specified time, otherwise it will result in overdue situations.

    2. If the disabled online loan is unable to repay, they can apply to the online loan institution for negotiated repayment. The disabled usually have weak repayment ability, so they may lose their economic source directly in some special circumstances. At this time, they can apply to online lending institutions for negotiated repayment. This is due to the lack of repayment ability caused by special reasons, and online lending institutions usually agree to the user's negotiation request. After both parties reached an agreement, the user needs to repay according to the contents of the negotiation. If the user fails to repay according to the provisions of the negotiation, the online loan institution will require the user to pay off the overdue debt in a lump sum.

    3. If the user fails to negotiate, he has to find his own way to raise money for repayment. After all, after the online loan is overdue, the generated overdue record will affect personal credit reporting, and subsequent bad credit reporting will not be able to handle other loans. As long as users have a good attitude and can submit relevant supporting materials, users with disabilities can usually negotiate with online lending institutions to apply for repayment.

    What if the online loan has not been repaid? How to solve it?

    It is suggested to repay the debt as soon as possible. You can borrow money from your friends and relatives to repay the online loan first, and then repay your friends slowly. For overdue fees, different online loan platforms have different names and charging standards. In the future, if the online loan platform fails to repay the overdue loan, it will be recorded in the credit investigation system of the People's Bank of China as well as the overdue bank loan and credit card, resulting in credit stains.

    1. Negotiate suspension of repayment

    2. Negotiate to extend the repayment period

    3. Loans to other lending institutions. It is a good way to borrow money from other loan structures if you have no money to repay the loan for the time being, but remember not to borrow money at usury.

    4. Repayment of loans by selling assets

    What are the consequences of overdue online loans? What should we do?

    1. As long as the online loan is overdue, the loan institution will arrange someone to collect it. Telephone and SMS collection are common means. As the overdue time grows longer, the amount of arrears grows larger, and the overdue means will also be upgraded, such as door-to-door collection, being sued, etc., collection will stop only after all the arrears are paid off. Of course, if the borrower can negotiate with the online loan platform for successful repayment, the collection can also be suspended.

    2. If the borrowed online loan is connected to the credit reporting system, the overdue record will be left on the credit reporting report once overdue. It can be eliminated only after the arrears are settled, but it needs to be kept for 5 years. During this period, the borrower should want to handle other credit business, because the overdue records still exist, and the probability of passing is relatively small. It is better to maintain a period of credit investigation, so that time can slowly eliminate the impact of bad credit.

    If there is any unclear or new situation, we suggest you directly ask questions online to understand the situation of the communication case. The idle lawyers of the intelligent matching platform will give you detailed and targeted answers, and try to explain the general situation to avoid incorrect answers due to incomplete information and poor communication. I wish success in safeguarding human rights.


    2024-06-10 09:00:02

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